Social Security Value Sheet (1)


Your complete guide to Social Security 

Learn how to maximize your retirement benefits

The social security retirement benefits guide answers the questions that are most frequently asked by our clients

  • How is FICA calculated?
  • How is my retirement benefit calculated?
  • What if I claim my retirement benefit outside of my full retirement age?
  • How will my retirement benefit be taxed?
  • Can I work part-time and claim my retirement benefit at age 62?
  • When should I claim social security benefits?

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Social Security is a misunderstood retirement asset.

Only 8% of adults are able to identify the factors that determine maximum social security benefits.

 In this video, Adam Newman, CFA, CFP®, RICP® discusses how social security benefits are calculated, avoidable claiming mistakes, and answers the question—will social security be there for me?

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