Sample Portfolio Analysis
Get a free evaluation of all your investment accounts, including those outside our management. We'll help you break down your entire portfolio into its strengths and weaknesses. From there, we identify areas of opportunity and improvements, all through the lens of your unique financial situation and long-term objectives.
Fill out the form below to preview a Sample Portfolio Analysis.
What's in the Sample Portfolio Analysis?
This free 13-page PDF previews what information you can expect to see if you work with our team to analyze your portfolio, including:
- Portfolio allocations
- Style analysis
- Sector analysis
- Geographic analysis
- Fixed income style analysis
- Expense summary
- Historical returns
- Hypothetical performance history
- Hypothetical drawdown analysis
Fill out the form to have a copy of the Sample Portfolio Analysis delivered to your inbox.
About Burney Wealth Management
Founded in 1974, Burney Wealth Management was one of the first Registered Investment Advisor (RIA) firms in Virginia.
We are about relationships first and helping you feel truly at peace about your family’s future. Even before becoming a client, you’ll see a custom financial plan built to protect and grow your investments and assets.